Agroecological Research of pH Value in Acidic Soils at Liming Absence
Journal Title: Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна серія "Екологія" - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 15
Purpose. Agroecological research of soil pH value in acidic soils at liming absence on agricultural lands. Methods. To determine of soil pH value in acid soils used electrometer (potentiometric) method. Results. Soil investigation oriented to soil reaction study took place on Slovak farms Nemšová and Osikov in 2010 and repeated after four years again. In the agricultural enterprise Nemšová neutral and alkaline soil acreage (pH value above 6.6) decreased from 1008 ha to 190 ha in period 2010-2014 (decrease 82 per cent) and contrary soil acreage with pH value below 5.5 increased from 274 ha to 569 ha in the same period. In the agricultural enterprise Osikov acreage with pH value above 6.6 was reduced in period 2010-2014 from 1548 ha to 178 ha (decrease 90 per cent), while acid and strong acid soils (pH lower than 5.5) increased from 138 ha to 838 ha in the same period. Conclusions. It confirmed that liming absence resulted in soil reaction rapid decrease in natural way - by calcium and magnesium resorption with crops, their leaching into deeper soil horizons, their outflow with erosion but also with acid rains impact or physiologically acid fertilization.
Authors and Affiliations
A. A. Lisnyak, S. Torma
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