Академік Микола Кащенко як організатор роботи акліматизаційного саду


The article explores a distinguished scientist and academician M. Kashchenko.s succeeding in acclimatization work. The biography of the scientist is updated by his personal archival fund. The scientist.s organizational skills activities, his place and role in the field of biological science and culture are revealed in the first third of the twentieth century. M. Kashchenko (1855-1935) . an outstanding scientist, biologist, embryologist, zoologist, founder of the Siberian gardening, actively participated in the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences establishment. He headed the department of Physics and Mathematics in UAS, used to be a founder and director of lots of scientific institutions and organizations in the university centers of Ukraine and Russia. He is the author of over 200 scientific papers. M. Kashchenko is well-known as a high school teacher, as a lecturer, as a promoter of scientific knowledge, as a writer, and a public figure. The body of the article goes on to discuss the problem of the history of the acclimatization garden. In early 20th century acclimatization was put on a scientific basis. One of the first institutions in the Academy of Sciences, which started work on the introduction and acclimatization of plants, was acclimatization garden, founded by M. Kashchenko in 1914. The acclimatization garden is mentioned to be originally created on private land, where M. Kashchenko and his family lived in a house, belonging to the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (1912). Then the scientist received the right to temporarily use the former institute of pomology garden. In 1918 acclimatization garden became the part of the UAS scientific institutions. Working staff of the Acclimatsad conducted intensive educational activities, participating in launching of agricultural exhibition (1927). In 1928 acclimatization garden was allocated in a separate institution that later established UAS acclimatization office. In 1929 the museum of acclimatization was opened with intermediate guidance of Kashchenko. The author indicates that acclimatization garden, founded by Academician M. Kashchenko was unique at the time when acclimatization as a separate scientific discipline emerged. Moreover, the creation and establishment of acclimatization garden occurred in the most complicated period for our country. Noteworthy, popularization of scientific knowledge and fostering broad interests in scientist M. Kashchenko’s versatile activities made him one of the biologists. galaxy, not limited by study of scientific problems and academic activity. His tireless scholar exceptional activities contributed to the development of national science and culture, historical development of the Ukrainian society. Thus, the development of biology in Ukraine in the first third of the 20th century compiles an interesting page in the history of Ukrainian science. One of the important national economic and general biological problems of the industry is the development and introduction of acclimatization. Researches of Kashchenko are of great value the Ukrainian science. This topic is particularly relevant in sense of the nature debate and the role of science and scientists in social development.

Authors and Affiliations

Olena Gotra


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How To Cite

Olena Gotra (2016). Академік Микола Кащенко як організатор роботи акліматизаційного саду. Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 2(), 59-65. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-205348