Alegerile Marii Uniri – noiembrie 1919. Lista completă a parlamentarilor aleși
Journal Title: Sfera Politicii - Year 2018, Vol 26, Issue 2
In November 1918, one year after the establishment of Great Romania, the first parliamentary elections took place in the four united Romanian provinces: the Old Kingdom, Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania. 566 MPs were elected, based on a mixed-vote, and 239 senators, based on a majority vote. The Old Kingdom and Bessarabia provided 337 deputies and 138 senators; from Transylvania came 203 deputies and 86 senators; Bucovina elected 26 deputies and 11 senators. It resulted in a Parliament composed of 805 MPs nominated in this file.
Authors and Affiliations
Alexandru Radu
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