Aleksandr N. Samoyloviç: Bir Literatür Değerlendirmesi (Aleksandr N. Samoilovich: A Literature Review)
Journal Title: Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi - Year 2024, Vol 1, Issue 57
Research on Alexandr Nikolayevich Samoilovich, who made important contributions to Turkology, is ongoing. The fact that there are many materials on him awaiting research in the archives, as well as the discovery of new information and documents, are effective in the continuation of the research. Research is carried out especially by researchers in Russia, Turkey and other Turkic republics. It can be assumed that the researchers in Russia and the Turkic republics follow and understand the studies in Turkey as they are Turkologists. However, there is a language barrier on the Turkish side. Accordingly, it can be assumed that there are problems in following the latest developments in the research field. On Samoilovich, 11 articles were published in Russian from 2018 to 2022. The main purpose is to determine what their contributions are to the field. The method used is based on determining the aims and results of the articles, as well as analysing the relationship of their citations and sources with the literature. According to the findings obtained, some of the 11 articles examined are a repetition of the previous studies and they make a limited contribution to the field, while some articles make significant contributions to the field by both presenting new findings and determinations and introducing new approaches. These are the articles based on letters and photographs, and they give the following result: Samoilovich adopted a researchexamination method aiming to reach verifiable information in Turkology studies through reporters and photographs at the beginning of 1900’s.
Authors and Affiliations
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