Ali Kaya. İslam Hukukunda Bedene İlişkin Zararlar ve Tazmini. Bursa: Emin Publishing, 2007

Journal Title: İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 50


In this book review, Prof. Dr. Ali Kaya's doctoral dissertation, İslam Hukukunda Bedene İlişkin Zararlar ve Tazmini (Bodily Damage and Its Compensation in Islamic Law), will be discussed. This work, written in the field of Liability and Compensation Law, is very important considering the lack of works done in the field. The work consists of an introduction and three chapters. In this work, first of all the general framework of the concepts of compensation and damage is determined and then the causes of the damages, the compensation of bodily damages, and finally the topic of how the damages are to be paid are expressed. In this work presented by following the way of making analysis of Islamic Compensation Law in comparison with both Islamic sects and Turkish Debt Law, issues such as spiritual or immaterial compensation, euthanasia, participation of the ‘akila in diya are addressed in relation to the current problems. It attracts attention that the book has a transfer of very intensive conceptual information, but also has a very clear and convenient narration.

Authors and Affiliations

Zehra Betül USTAOĞLU


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How To Cite

Zehra Betül USTAOĞLU (2018). Ali Kaya. İslam Hukukunda Bedene İlişkin Zararlar ve Tazmini. Bursa: Emin Publishing, 2007. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi, 2(50), 393-399.