AMAN Variant of Guillain–Barre Syndrome is the Most Prevalent Neurophysiologically Diagnosed Variant in Gwalior Chambal Region
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 6
Abstract: GBS occurrence, seasonal variation & gender preponderance have not been adequately studied in Gwalior Chambal region. We aimed to analyze retrospectively last 4 yr GBS patients reported at Gajara Raja Medical College, Gwalior (M.P.). 49 neurophysiologically diagnosed GBS patients, aged 2 - 72 years, reported between April 2014 and March 2018 were analyzed. Subjects were grouped in 4 age groups of <20 yr, 20-40 yr, 40-60 yr and > 60 yr. GBS was higher in males where 71.42% were males while 28.57 % were females with male: female ratio of 2.5:1. Maximum patients were in the age group < 20 years (46.15%). Of the Total GBS patients AMAN cases were 27 (55.10%) higher compared to AIDP cases 20 (40.82 %). The cases of GBS were more in the February to July months (67.34 %). Higher AMAN occurrence is observed in some geographical regions including Gwalior-Chambal Region. The peak seasonal clustering observed by us in the summer months was similar to other Indian studies. The age and sex distribution of GBS showed children (<20 yr) and male preponderance respectively.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Gaurav Jain, Dr. Virendra Verma
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