An Analysis of Factors Influencing the Development of the Kemeri District (Latvia) as a Tourism Destination
Journal Title: Studia Periegetica - Year 2016, Vol 16, Issue 2
The theme of the article is the Kemeri district’s development in Latvia as a tourism destination. The aim is to research the reasons for the decline in tourism in Kemeri and to determine factors influencing tourism development in the Kemeri district. Scientific articles and theoretical resources (44 in total), including Latvia’s and Jurmala municipality’s long-term planning documents, have been used to create this document. For primary data, a survey was conducted amongst the Kemeri district’s local inhabitants, and the foreign and local visitors in Jurmala and Kemeri, in addition to interviewing Latvian tourism industry experts. Consequently, a mixed method of research was conducted, both of qualitative and quantitative data, obtained through secondary and primary data analysis. The study contains research on the reasons for the decline in the district’s tourism, focusing on the Kemeri district in Latvia’s and Jurmala municipality’s future strategies and plans, whichhave had no interest in investing in the district, and whether there actually is a potential for the Kemeri district to develop its tourism from the point of view of visitors and experts.
Authors and Affiliations
Līna Stanule, Armands Muižnieks
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