An Analysis Of Innovation Funding : Une analyse du financement de l'innovation
Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2019, Vol 4, Issue 0
As a part of our research work on the financing of innovation, several studies urge us to analyze the sources of financing for innovation. No one can deny the crucial role of innovation in general and the innovative enterprise particulary in the growth and development of economies. A locomotive that weakens as soon as it looks to find funding. Uncertainty and risks associated with innovation increase reluctance and discourage funders. The dilemma of gain and loss involves a set of stakeholders (entrepreneurs, innovative project developers, public and private investors...). The purpose of this article is to conduct an analysis of innovation funding while bringing a new conclusion. To do this, we try through this article to present the particularities of SMEs making their financing complicated. Then, this document will aim to expose the financial life cycle of the company in the current context. Before we finish we will try to explore the other variables that influence this funding. Towards the end of this work we will formulate an essay summarizing the analyzes made throughout this work. The latter is a vision that can serve as a decision-making tool for all stakeholders in the field of innovation.
Authors and Affiliations
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