An Analysis of the Novels by Samiha Ayverdi from the Perspective of the Education of Values
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2019, Vol 19, Issue 1
Values are the standards that are internalized by an individual as a result of his interaction with his environment and which direct his behaviors. Education, as a factor contributing to the acquisition of such definitive standards for human life, also contributes to the individual’s growth of personality and helps him realize his responsibilities towards the society. It does this by transmitting the cultural heritage to the future generations with the aim of contributing to the continuation of society, as well as by awakening and developing his capabilities, and his earning the necessary knowledge and skills. Such literary works as inspired by the cultural codes of a given society such as stories, novels, memoirs, etc. play an important role in learning and teaching values. This article is a case study intended to examine the following novels by Sâmiha Ayverdi, who has produced valuable works in Turkish literature since 1938, by analyzing their contents from the viewpoint of their contribution to the education of values: Batmayan Gün (A Day Without Sunset), Ateş Ağacı (Tree of the Fire), Yaşayan Ölü (The Living Dead), İnsan ve Şeytan (Man and Satan), Son Menzil (The Last Sojourn) and Mesihpaşa İmamı (The Imam of Mesihpaşa).
Authors and Affiliations
Hüseyin Algur
The Examining of Critical Thinking Dispositions of Religious Culture and Ethics Teacher Candidates
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Kur’an İlimlerine Giriş-2
Karakter Eğitimi: Amerika Örneği
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