An Approach in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease - A Survey



The detection and characterization of cognitive deficits associated with age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the focus of growing clinical research interest as increasing numbers of people survive into older age. There is a need to accurately detect the cognitive changes that signal the beginning of a progressive dementia syndrome and to differentiate among relative disorders [1]. In US according to National Center for Health Statistics of the centers for disease control & prevention 83,495 people have died because of Alzheimer` disease.[2]. The timely diagnosis & treatment may help the common man to have a better life. In this paper we are going to discuss about the various techniques that are used in diagnosis.

Authors and Affiliations

Bhagya shree S. R , Dr. H. S. Sheshadri


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How To Cite

Bhagya shree S. R, Dr. H. S. Sheshadri (2014). An Approach in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease - A Survey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY, 7(1), 41-43.