An Epidemiological Study of Tobacco Use among People Aged 15 year and above In Rural Field Practice Area of Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College & Research Center Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh)
Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 2
Aim: To assess the various epidemiological factors and prevalence of tobacco use among rural population of Moradabad district. Objectives: To assess the prevalence and pattern of tobacco use among population residing in catchment area of RHTC TMMC & RC, Moradabad. To identify the various socio-demographic factors associated with tobacco use. To assess the awareness of harmful effects of tobacco and tobacco control policy. To make suitable recommendations. Material and Methods: Data was collected from the selected houses of 400 participant is 15 years and above from the field practice area of RHTC TMMC & RC Moradabad (U.P.). A cross- sectional study. Results: 400 individuals participated in the study. 82.75% were males and 17.25% females. 57% or 228 were currently tobacco user (95% CI 52.15-61.85). 31.6% were smokers, 52.6% were smokeless and 15.8% used both. 15.8% of the tobacco users had one or more tobacco users among their family members. A higher number of students (100.0%) A higher proportion of Muslims were found to be heavy tobacco users (66.7%) as compared to Hindus (24.1%). Percentage of heavy tobacco users was found to higher among the literates (30.0%) Higher percentage of individuals belonging to nuclear families (30.2%) was found to be heavy tobacco users as compared to those belonging to joint families (23.0%). Upper class (I) as per Modified Prasad Classification were found to be heavy tobacco users (33.3%) as compared to middle class (21.8%). Conclusion: The main reasons for high prevalence of tobacco use were blood relation and relatives, colleague, unemployment, fashion, media. Student should be educated about harmful effect of tobacco use. Government should wane on the production of tobacco. It is compulsory to stop the habit.
Authors and Affiliations
Megha Joshi, Anurag Srivastava, Sachin Singh Yadav, M K Shukla
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