The plant Dillenia indica Linn. is used for the treatment of diabetes by the rural community of Dhemaji district of Assam, by the Khamptis “Chauya” traditional healers and Arunachal Himalaya, northeast, India. The plant...
The placenta is one organ which forms before the fetus and is the fore runner of the fetal growth from implantation till parturition1 . It persists throughout gestation and leaves the uterus only after the delivery of th...
Extraction of teeth is followed by continuous ridge resorption and poor denture foundation.Loss of periodontal receptors responsible for improper masticatory function and inaccurate jaw movements.Retention of few remaini...
Introduction: One Of The Oldest Controversies In Obstetrics Is Over Optimal Management Of The Pregnant Women With Previous Lower Segment Caesarean Section (Lscs). With The Increasing Trends In Caesarean Section Rate A La...
EP ID EP565573
DOI 10.9790/5736-1201010103
Views 60
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How To Cite
(2019). An Introduction to Nanophotonics and its Various Applications. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 18(1),
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Bio-Assay Guided Fractionation and Isolation of α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Constituents from Dillenia indica L. Fruit Extracts
The plant Dillenia indica Linn. is used for the treatment of diabetes by the rural community of Dhemaji district of Assam, by the Khamptis “Chauya” traditional healers and Arunachal Himalaya, northeast, India. The plant...
A correlate between placental and fetal weight at term in North Coastal Andhra Pradesh.
The placenta is one organ which forms before the fetus and is the fore runner of the fetal growth from implantation till parturition1 . It persists throughout gestation and leaves the uterus only after the delivery of th...
Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis: A Rare Complication of Cryptococcal Meningitis in HIV/AIDS Patient
A systematic approach for Tooth supported over denture: A clinical Report
Extraction of teeth is followed by continuous ridge resorption and poor denture foundation.Loss of periodontal receptors responsible for improper masticatory function and inaccurate jaw movements.Retention of few remaini...
Fetomaternal Outcome in Post Caesarean Pregnancy.
Introduction: One Of The Oldest Controversies In Obstetrics Is Over Optimal Management Of The Pregnant Women With Previous Lower Segment Caesarean Section (Lscs). With The Increasing Trends In Caesarean Section Rate A La...