An Introduction to the Status of Morality in Marriage and Family Rights

Journal Title: فقه و اصول - Year 2011, Vol 43, Issue 87


Throughout history, family institution has undergone various vicissitudes and confronted numerous anomalies and difficulties, especially in educational and moral dimensions. The pinnacle of moral and educational unruliness in this institution is traced back to the pre-Islamic era (pagan period). Nevertheless, in contemporary era, this sacred institution has undergone shocking alterations, which is traceable in morality realm. This article addresses the moral dimension of family rights and responsibilities in Islam. In this respect, the Islamic viewpoint concerning immoral patterns of marriage and family in pre-Islamic and contemporary eras is explicated and the rights and duties governing the Islamic family are introduced with an emphasis on ethical purposes. It is, furthermore, proved that despite the existence of some misconceptions, the establishment of morality and its mingling with family rules and regulations is in fact regarded as a guarantee for its execution and with the help of such morally-oriented rights and duties, the family members may consolidate this sacred institution. To this end, some of the legal and judicial rulings such as the rights and duties of parents and children and the relationship governing spouses in the family are dealt with via a moral approach.

Authors and Affiliations

MuḥAmmad Mahdī ZāRi‘ī


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  • EP ID EP183250
  • DOI 10.22067/fiqh.v0i0.3363
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How To Cite

MuḥAmmad Mahdī ZāRi‘ī (2011). An Introduction to the Status of Morality in Marriage and Family Rights. فقه و اصول, 43(87), 69-96.