An issue of women and health with reference to India
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 6
Wellbeing or health is the intensity of metabolic competence of a living being. If we firmly define health as a condition of whole bodily, cerebral and societal comfort and not just the nonexistence of disorder or disease, then it can be said that survival is an essential stipulation for health. The female child in India is progressively more under risk. As per recent reports, there has been a shocking decline in the child sex ratio (0- 4 years) in India. Because of admittance to technological advances of sonography and India’s comparatively noninterventionist laws on abortion have been misrepresented to do away with female fetuses.The ratio of girl: boy has reduced from 958 girls to every 1000 boys in 1991, to 934 girls to 1000 boys in 2001. In many states of western and north western India, the ratio depicts even more pathetic story. There are as less as 900 girls to 1000 boys or even lesser.The sex ratio is at its most terrible situation in the states of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana, where brutal practices of isolation and dispossession exist. Often in neighboring areas in these states, the proportion gets even below 800 girls to every 1000 boys (RGI, MOHFW, UNFPA, 2003). Keeping all the above factors in mind, the present paper analyzes the nourishment and women’s wellbeing in India.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Priyanka Banerji
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