An Observational Study Elucidating and Reiterating the Tell-tale Cutaneous Markers of Hypothyroidism
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 7
Thyroid disorders, particularly hypothyroidism are invariably associated with cutaneous abnormalities. Skin manifestations of hypothyroidism range from as subtle as dry coarse hair and mild xerosis to overt features as acquired ichthyosis or myxedema. Dermatologists very frequently come across skin ailments due to underlying endocrinological diseases especially hypothyroidism, in their routine practice. While overt skin changes like ichthyosis and alopecia are evaluated for underlying hypothyroidism, the less conspicuous and rather more common clues like dry skin, coarse hair are often missed. The aim of the study is to evaluate and record the skin changes observed in hypothyroid cases and correlate them with serum thyroid hormone levels.A total of 80 patients clinically suspected to be hypothyroid according to the observed cutaneous changes, were enrolled in the study conducted over 1 year duration in dermatology out-patient department in G.G.S Medical College & hospital. Diagnosis was confirmed by serum thyroid function tests. All skin, hair and nail findings in confirmed cases were recorded and all cases were evaluated for other associated autoimmune disorders. Out of 80 enrolled cases, 70 were confirmed to be hypothyroid. The most common cutaneous change was coarse, dry brittle hair seen in 96% cases, followed by xerosis in 90% cases. Other changes in order of their frequency were telogen effluvium, myxedema and puffiness of hands, feet and face, ichthyosis and generalised loss of body hair and madrosis. Our study highlights the importance of keen observation and high index of suspicion on part of dermatologist to relate even subtle cutaneous findings to a more sinister but reversible cause of thyroid dysfunction. Keywords:Xerosis, Ichthyosis, coarse hair, Hypothyroidism.
Authors and Affiliations
Brar BK,, Khanna Era, Kaur Sumit
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