An Observational Study of Postoperative Sore Throat after Surgical Exposure
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 1
Post-operative sore throat can considerably impact patients’ fulfillment after the surgical procedure during post-operative period. Various factors can contribute to postoperative sore throat and the incidence can vary with the method of airway management. The present study was done to study the occurance of the sore throat after the surgical procedure and the various factors affecting its occurance. The study was observational prospective study conducted over a period of 12 months from September 2016 to august 2017. The type and duration of surgery, laryngeal mask airway [LMA]), intraoperative airway device used (Endotracheal tube [ETT], ETT size, patient position during surgery and the grade of difficulty in intubation were noted. The patients were observed by one of the researchers’ 24 hours postoperatively. They were asked whether they had a sore throat and had hoarseness of voice. Data was collected and analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics version 16. During the study period a total of 247 patients had undergone different types of surgeries in the hospital. The study had found that 60 patients (24.29%) out of 247 patients had symptoms of sore throat post-operatively and 31.8% of the patients with sore throat were also complained of having hoarseness of voice. Patients undergone more time for the surgical procedure had more incidence of the sore throat. Gynecological and other surgical procedures had shown more incidence of the sore throat than the other patients. Awareness must be increased about the sore throat and the factors affecting the occurance of the sore throat.
Authors and Affiliations
Sheetal Sarang Patil, Dilip Padmakar Sambus
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