An Overview on Advance Metering System
Journal Title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology - Year 2013, Vol 4, Issue 4
The term "Smart meter" typically refers to an electrical meter, but the term is also starting to be applied to the measurement of natural gas and water consumption. Similar meters, usually referred to as interval or time-of-use meters, have existed for years, but Smart Meters usually involve a different technology mix, such as real-time or near real-time reads, power outage notification, and power quality monitoring. These added features are more than simple automated meter reading (AMR). ADVANCED METERING ultimately, is to reduce costs, even though revenue shouldn’t increase, due to regulation. Any account that is not metered at a simple consumption rate including electric gas and water is utility point of view to understand Advanced Metering.
Authors and Affiliations
Dhirendra Pandey
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