Analisis Kata menō Berdasarkan Surat 1 Yohanes

Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue 1


The purpose of this writing is to understand the meaning of the word menō in the first letter of John through the approach of exegetical study—that is, lexical analysis, grammatical analysis, contextual analysis, and historical analysis. The New Testament uses the word menō in relation to God to emphasize His nature. At the same time, in relation to Christian doctrine, this word is used figuratively to point to the life statutes of the people of God who have been saved. Grammatically, the form of the word used states that an action (event) is in progress, the subject is actively doing the action, and the action/event is a reality. The writer of this letter, John, states with seriousness, that the most important possible thing for someone to live in the Son and the Father, is to keep living in His Word that “you have heard from the beginning.” Meanwhile, from the approach of contextual analysis, the meaning of menō is that a person who has been born from God and abides in Him has the potential to abstain from sin because of the divine seed living in him/her, and because they are close to Him. From an historical context, the use of the word menō consists of teaching and counsel that is foundational to Christian doctrine and practical Christian living. It is clear from an historical theological perspective that this word was very important in the struggles of faith and the development of Christian doctrine in the early Christan community.

Authors and Affiliations

Nyoman Lisias Fernand Dju


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  • EP ID EP469089
  • DOI 10.25278/jj71.v14i1.191
  • Views 110
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How To Cite

Nyoman Lisias Fernand Dju (2016). Analisis Kata menō Berdasarkan Surat 1 Yohanes. UNKNOWN, 14(1), 21-42.