Analisis Penerimaan Retribusi Sampah oleh Masyarakat dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pelayanan Pengelolaan Persampahan di Kota Bandung Bagian Timur

Journal Title: Journal of Visual Art and Design - Year 2016, Vol 27, Issue 3


The Regional Medium Term Development Plan of Bandung Municipality 2014 - 2018 is a basis for development planning in an effort to create Bandung Municipality: Clean, Prosperous, Obedient, and Friendly, which becomes the Bandung Municipality slogan “Bermartabat (Bersih Makmur Taat dan Bersahabat)”. Based on the slogan "Bermartabat", the cleanliness and solid waste management system is something that must be managed properly so that the development of Bandung to be achieved is environmentally sound. One of the obstacles in the management of solid waste in the city of Bandung is the low public participation in the financing aspects. This is evident from the large subsidy from the APBD of Bandung Municipality, which reached 80% of the total cost required, while the reception solid waste fees from people in Bandung only reached 20% of the total cost of solid waste management. The amount of the subsidy budget for solid waste management could disrupt its implementation. On the other hand, due to the low amount of solid waste fees from the PD Kebersihan as the waste management company of Bandung Municipality cannot provide optimal service and always depends on the subsidies to be granted by the Government. Therefore, it is needed to analyze what causes the city’s low solid waste fees collection. The purpose of this study was to determine the variables that influence the value of willingness to pay (WTP = willingness to pay) and the level of ability to pay (ability to pay = ATP). This study uses a contingent valuation method (CVM) with a bidding games system and crosstab analysis to determine the dependence of the value of the public's willingness to pay. Cluster analysis and discriminant analysis were conducted to determine the division of respondents into groups based on the proximity of variables and to know the differences between groups. To know the characteristics of the community, 400 questionnaires were distributed for data retrieval. The research showed that the average value of WTP from the respondents was below the average ATP value. This means that people in Eastern Bandung Municipality are able to pay solid waste fees. Low solid waste fees collection is primarily caused by unsatisfactory solid waste management service

Authors and Affiliations

Iwan Susanto, Benno Rahardyan


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  • EP ID EP223043
  • DOI 10.5614/jrcp.2016.27.3.4
  • Views 93
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How To Cite

Iwan Susanto, Benno Rahardyan (2016). Analisis Penerimaan Retribusi Sampah oleh Masyarakat dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pelayanan Pengelolaan Persampahan di Kota Bandung Bagian Timur. Journal of Visual Art and Design, 27(3), 219-235.