Аналіз категорії «зловживання правом на честь, гідність та ділову репутацію» в умовах надзвичайного або воєнного стану

Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2017, Vol 48, Issue 5


Проаналізовано питання зловживання правом на честь, гідність та ділову репутацію в умовах надзвичайного або во-єнного стану на основі доктринальних досліджень категорії «зловживання правом». Доведено, що особа не може зловживати правом на честь, гідність та ділову репутацію в умовах надзвичайного або воєнного стану через їх моральну та правову природу. Проанализирован вопрос злоупотребления правом на честь, достоинство и деловую репутацию в условиях чрезвы-чайного и военного положения на основе доктринальных исследований категории «злоупотребление правом». До-казано, что лицо не может злоупотреблять правом на честь, достоинством и деловой репутацией в условиях чрез-вычайного и военного положения ввиду его моральной и правовой природы. In the article, a question of abuse of the right to honor, dignity and business reputation in the state of emergency or under a martial law on the basis of doctrinal studies category «abuse of rights» is analyzed. It has been pointed out that the failure to abuse the right to honor, dignity and business reputation in the state of emergency or under a martial law indicates two key characteristics. First, this is the legal nature of the right to honor, dignity and business reputation. The right to honor and dignity in an equal volume endowed each individual. A person has this right from the birth and does not increase or decrease with the received education, social status, material wealth or introduction of any extraordinary regimes. This right cannot conflict with the same right of another person, because their volume is equivalent. With regard to the right to business reputation, each person has his own, different from other persons the scope of this right. However, the right to one person's business reputation can coexist with the right to the business reputation of others, while there is no conflict of rights and their «overlap» on each other. All this testifies to the fact that a person cannot abuse the right to honor, dignity and business reputation in the state of emergency or under a martial law. Secondly, the impossibility of abuse of the right to honor, dignity and business reputation in the state of emergency or under a martial law indicates the appointment of this right. Appointment of the right to honor and dignity is the awareness of the individual of his own value, significance, and importance in society, as well as in the public assessment of the specified qualities of a person and his actions. The appointment of the same right to a business reputation is manifested in the fact that a person can count on the fact that his professional, service and official qualities can be appreciated by society, a team or individuals. The right to a business reputation enables an individual to engage in one or another activity and be noticed, evaluated, approved, competitive and encouraged. Under extraordinary conditions, the appointment of these rights grows and becomes more important than in peacetime. In a state of emergency or martial law, each person is vulnerable, and therefore the person must be aware of its significance for society and state and feel that all person’s actions will necessarily be appreciated and encouraged by them. Based on the foregoing, it is proved that a person cannot abuse the right to honor, dignity and business reputation in the state of emergency or under a martial law because of its moral and legal nature.

Authors and Affiliations

В. П. Свердліченко


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  • EP ID EP306182
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1199304
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How To Cite

В. П. Свердліченко (2017). Аналіз категорії «зловживання правом на честь, гідність та ділову репутацію» в умовах надзвичайного або воєнного стану. Форум права, 48(5), 356-361. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-306182