Analiza postaw młodzieży wobec transplantacji narządów

Journal Title: Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 1


Introduction. Transplantation is a surgical procedure during which the ill person receives as in form of transplant theorgan(s), tissues or cells taken from another person or animal. The demand for transplants has been continuously on the rise; still the supply of organs is insufficient. An important world problem is to attract potential donors. Currently, ethical views and religious beliefs relating to organ transplantation have triggered a lot of controversy and provoked numerous debates. Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze the stance of young people on organ transplantation procedures. Material and methods. The study was conducted at the School Complex No. 1 named after Pope John Paul II [Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 1 im. Jana Pawła II],in Inowrocław, and the Complex of Secondary Schools named after Pope John Paul II [Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych im. Jana Pawła II] in Kościelec. The group researched upon consisted of 120 people. A questionnaire developed by the paper’s author was used for the purpose of collecting data and their respective analysis. Furthermore, parametric and non-parametric tests of significance were conducted in order to verify the already supported hypotheses. The survey had been primarily approved of by the Bioethics Committee of the Medical College named after L. Rydygiera in Bydgoszcz, and the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. Results. The study results indicate that 90.0% of respondents approve oforgansprocurement from deceased people; what is more, the 93.3% of respondentsif placed in life-threatening situation and theneed of transplantation - would agree to receive someone else's organ.70.8% of respondents would be willing to be donors of any tissue or an even organ during their life. At the same time 75% of survey participants would agree to have their organ substracted after their death so that it might be transplanted to any other alive person in need. According to 80% of respondents, the knowledge on transplantation held by society members is not enough. 88.3% of respondents, however, believe that any bigger public awareness of transplantation may affect the quantity of transplantations. Conclusions. 1. The young people accept organ donation from deceased people;2. The young people claim that in life-threatening situations and if in need of transplantation they would approve of having another person’s organ transplanted into their body; 3. The researched young people would be willing, during their life, to be donors of any tissue or any even organ;4. Young people agree to have, after their death, their organs transplanted to another person; 5. Young people believe that public knowledge of transplantation is not enough; 6. The researched young people believe that bigger public awareness of transplantation may affect the quantity of transplantations.

Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Humańska, Katarzyna Michalina Dudek


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  • EP ID EP310615
  • DOI 10.21784/IwP.2017.004
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How To Cite

Marzena Humańska, Katarzyna Michalina Dudek (2017). Analiza postaw młodzieży wobec transplantacji narządów. Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu, 2(1), 69-85.