Analiza trendów na polskim rynku TSL w latach 2007-2016
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2018, Vol 220, Issue 6
The paper describes trends and developments in the Polish transport & logistics sector. It is a gap analyze of the changes occurred in the period 2007-2016. It includes changes observed in the Polish transport & logistics sector during the economic crisis and describes results of post-crisis phenomena. The authors also present the actual challenges in the transport & logistics and the forecast of future trends and changes. Sustainable transport development has long been active in EU policy, it is defined by various documents, defined and expressed in various guidelines, ways to achieve it. In practice, it turns out that it is not so easy, as evidenced by the functioning of transport systems of individual member states, regions, metropolitan areas or cities.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Zysińska, Cezary Krysiuk
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