Analiza wybranych działalności podnoszących bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego na przykładzie wojewódzkiego ośrodka ruchu drogowego w Rzeszowie
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2018, Vol 220, Issue 6
The article analyzes statistical data from 2014-2017 obtained from the Voivodeship Training Centre for Drivers (WORD) in Rzeszow. Analyzed the data related to the road safety system. Analyzed among other things, the number of trainings for drivers violating road traffic regulations, the number of training courses and the number of training courses in professional development of examiners. The analysis showed a large number of organized trainings for drivers violating road traffic regulations, as well as a large number of organized workshops perfecting the professional qualifications of examiners. The analysis and conclusions flowing from it may be useful in other traing centre for drivers that want to introduce new courses and trainings on the road safety system, and thus contribute to improving road safety.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Pacana, Dominika Siwiec, Karolina Czerwińska
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