Analysis of blood cell parameters in predicting the diagnosis and differentiation of anaemias
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 12
Introduction: Anaemia is one of the most prevalent deficiency disorders in the world affecting all age groups . 1.62 billion people globally suffer from anemia , corresponding to 24.8% of population. Complete blood count is a cheap , commonly used test done for detection of anemias.The various parameters of CBC when analysed in conjunction with other tests can pinpoint the aetiology in most of the cases. Materials & methods : This study was undertaken for a period of 3 years for all the cases advised for evaluation for anaemia at MKCG Medical College, Brahmapur.CBC parameters like HGB,TRBC,PCV,MCV,MCH,MCHC,RDW were used in different combinations to categorise and predict the aetiology of anaemia cases. Results: Out of 350 cases maximum number of cases were of IDA 101(28.85%). Most of anaemia cases observed during second decade, i.e. 91(26%) and 71(20.28%) in first decade. Females suffer more than males, ratio was 1:1.05. Females of 20-40 yr age group affected more from microcytic anemias (44.9%).Adults of 20- 40 year age group had more of normocytic normochromic anaemia. RDW raised in 68.31% of IDA as well as in 65.51% cases of ACD. MCV low in IDA mostly (77.22%). MCH low in all types of anaemia. Conclusion: The results of this study can be used by public health programmes to design targeted interventions aimed at reducing the huge burden of anaemia in India. Further large scale prospective studies are needed with anciliary tests to clarify the aetiology of anaemia in all cases.
Authors and Affiliations
Sarojini Raman, E S Rao, Kanaklata Dei
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