Analysis of Risk Factors for Death in COVID-19 Patients at Bahteramas Regional General Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province

Journal Title: International Journal of Current Science Research and Review - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 04


Background: Coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19, is an infectious disease caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). COVID-19 has been classified as a pandemic since 2020. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors for death due to COVID-19 at the Bahteramas Public Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Method: This research is a retrospective analytic study with a cross sectional approach. The number of samples is 85 samples. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The data were processed using the Chi-Square test and Odds Ratio. Results: This study shows that 47 people died at the Bahteramas Hospital in Southeast Sulawesi Province from March to November 2020, the variable age (p value = 0.001 and OR value 5.216), gender (p value = 0.078 and OR value = 2.180), hypertension variable (p value = 0.071 and OR value = 2.510), and diabetes mellitus variable (p value = 0.013 and OR value = 3.300). Conclusion: Age, sex, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus are risk factors for death due to COVID-19 at Bahteramas Public Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province.

Authors and Affiliations

Hadiyoga Pratama Putra, Arimaswati . , Alfiyyah Hasari Syaf, Iwan Derma Karya,


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  • EP ID EP734649
  • DOI 10.47191/ijcsrr/V7-i4-41
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How To Cite

Hadiyoga Pratama Putra, Arimaswati . , Alfiyyah Hasari Syaf, Iwan Derma Karya, (2024). Analysis of Risk Factors for Death in COVID-19 Patients at Bahteramas Regional General Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 7(04), -.