Analysis of select phenotypicfeatures of Candida strains isolated from the patients with predisposingfactors of fungal infections

Journal Title: Mikologia Lekarska - Year 2006, Vol 13, Issue 1


Introduction: The phenotypic switching of the genus Candida contribute to the fungi virulence. The aim of the study: To investigate about 50 phenotypic features of Candida strains that contribute to the fungi virulence isolated from different biological materials from the patients with predisposingfactors offungal infections. Material and methods: A total of 218 strains of fungi isolated from 4780 biological materials were identif ied using the API 20C AUX test. The API ZYM test was used to characterize enzymatic activity of the isolated fungi. Results: All investigated materials were divided into 6 groups. Samples from respiratory system, urine and wound most often contained the strains of C. albicans (52.2%, 54.2% and 71.1% respectively); blood samples contained C. parapsilosis (40.9%). The investigated strains of fungi characterized a significant differences in the assimilation of carbon from carbohydrates and the higher mean values of activity of acid phosphatase and leucine arylamidase. Quantitative investigations of enzymatic activity did not show significant differences (p>0.05) in the strains studied as regards the material they had been isolated from. Conclusions: 1. The Candida is the main pathogen caused nosocomial fungal infections and C. albicans constituted over 50% .2. Significant differences in the assimilation of carbon from carbohydrates between the C. albicans, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis strains within the specieswere found. 3. Significant differences (p>0.05) did not show between enzymatic activity of the isolated fungi and the material they had been isolated from.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Kurnatowski, Ewa Tyczkowska-Sieroń


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How To Cite

Piotr Kurnatowski, Ewa Tyczkowska-Sieroń (2006). Analysis of select phenotypicfeatures of Candida strains isolated from the patients with predisposingfactors of fungal infections . Mikologia Lekarska, 13(1), 9-14.