Analysis of the assortment, socio-economic availability and volumes of drugs consumption of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory group on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market
Journal Title: Управління, економіка та забезпечення якості в фармації - Year 2019, Vol 3, Issue 59
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used in the world and in Ukraine. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy of chronic musculoskeletal system diseases should be conducted for long periods of time. This requires the presence of NSAIDs that are characterized by distinct pharmacological properties and a high level of safety. Aim. To study the assortment, economic availability and volumes of NSAIDs consumption on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine during the period of 2014-2018. Materials and methods. Data of the information and retrieval system “Morion” were used to analyze the assortment of NSAIDs. To analyze the availability of NSAIDs, the solvency adequacy ratio of Ca.s. was calculated, which means % of the average salary needed to pay for a monthly course of treatment with a certain drug. Consumption of drugs was carried out using the ATC / DDD methodology, which is a tool for determining the number of prescribed and taken for a specific time period daily doses of drugs (DDD) with a specific ATC code, which defines indications for use. Results were reported in standardized international units of DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day (DiD). Results. Studies have shown that NSAIDs on the pharmaceutical market are represented by 32 INN and 302-419 trade names (TNs). Most of the drugs are represented by foreign manufacturers. Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies presented 37 % of TN in 2018. The following INNs were presented during the study period by the largest number TN: Diclofenac (69-80), Ketorolac (14-18), Diclofenac Combinations (13-20), Meloxicam (52-66), Ibuprofen (58-66), Dexketoprofen (17-24), Nimesulide (21-25), Chondroitin sulfate (18-22). From 75 % to 86 % of TN on the market had high availability for the population in 2014-2018, from 3 to 4 % of TN – low availability. The volume of NSAID consumption use in Ukraine during 2014-2018 was significant: in 2014 – 16.67 DiD; in 2015 – 14.67 DiD; at 2016 – 16.37 DiD; in 2017 – 18.5 DiD; in 2018 – 20.4 DiD. The following drugs were most consumed in all five years of study: Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, Meloxicam. Among them, only Ibuprofen is a non-prescription drug and used in pediatrics as an antipyretic and analgesic drug. These are the INN that are on the Ukrainian market with the greatest number of TNs and that have advantages in terms of their pharmacological action and safety with long-term use for the treatment of chronic diseases. Conclusions. On the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine wide assortment of INN and TNs of NSAIDs are represented, consumed in large volumes, increasing every year. Among them, a large segment of TN based on five INN (Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac and Meloxicam), which have marked clinical efficacy and are safe for long-term use, are the most consumed.
Authors and Affiliations
L. V. Iakovlieva, A. A. Titova
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