Analysis of the current state of regulatory provision of formation and establishment between united territorial communities


In the current conditions of decentralization and voluntary community integration, there is a need for a comprehensive, up-to-date, and high-quality study of their resource potential, distribution, and prospects for future community development. The most pressing issue for communities is the issue of the specific definition of their boundaries, planning, use, and protection of land, especially with regard to the authority to dispose of land resources outside the settlement. The article analyzes the constitutional basis of the administrative-territorial system and local self-government in Ukraine, the basic legislation, and the peculiarities of its application in the conditions of change. It is established that in the absence of the adoption of relevant laws, changes to existing ones, the incompleteness of implementation of measures on decentralization of power, untimely resolution of problems arising in the process of implementation of land management reform within the jurisdiction of local councils, the process of reforming local self-government is hampered.

Authors and Affiliations

B. Avramchuk, Y. Loshakova


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How To Cite

B. Avramchuk, Y. Loshakova (2020). Analysis of the current state of regulatory provision of formation and establishment between united territorial communities. Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring", 2(4), -.