Analysis of the title transferring process, between languages, using the Discursive Semiotics approach (Case Study: The Prophet's, Elahi Qomshei Translation)
Journal Title: Journal of Researches in Linguistics - Year 2020, Vol 12, Issue 1
Abstract Each translator chooses on the basis of vocabulary substitution, as well as on the coherence of the grammatical structure, taking into account the intentions of the source text and the cultural considerations of the target language. Since there is risk of interpolation threats, the author’s intention in the process of title’s translation, semantic approach is chosen for its analysis in this study. Taking into consideration the semiotic definition of "translation" as an intercultural and intertextual relationship, the purpose of the present study with a descriptive analysis method is to show that: In the translation of "The Prophet's" title – Gibran Khalil Gibran’s work, translated by Elahi Qomshei- the cultures of the source language and the target language play a role under the control of discursive terms, based on two converging and diverging semantic systems. Since the function of the converging semantic system is to preserve the cultural morph of the source text, and the function of the divergent semantic system is to create intercultural anomalies. Furthermore, in this research we speak about positive or negative interaction between the two converging and diverging semantic systems about cultural elements, in the translation of "The Prophet's" title within the framework of a discursive value system. Keywords: Discourse semantics, Title of seasons translation, The Prophet, Convergent, Divergent. Introduction: Translators may face with difficulties in transferring intertextuality. Intertextuality arises from culture, so it is considered as a socio-cultural element that requires a suitable degree of proficiency about original language culture in order to grasp the meaning implied by the writer in the source text. The problem is that, the translator must take into contact with the precise translation of the intertextual elements and background information about intertextual items in original text in order to consider the meaning implied behind them. Intertextual and cultural items are, where the translation and semiotics have very relative contact with each other, and therefore, for the analysis of the process of title's transfer, semiotic approach has been chosen in this paper. Materials and Methods: Translation between two languages itself has two aspects; that consist of verbal and textual transferring. In this study we just correspond to textual translation or interlingual one. The distinctive point of this research with other relevant researches on the translation of "Prophet" is concerned with the attention of the intercultural view on this interlingual translation of Qomshei. Cross-cultural elements or semiotics signs that are there in the titles translation of prophet is the base of discussion in this paper. On the one hand, the unrelenting interest of researchers in studying the qualitative process of title translation, and on the other hand, the need for translators to take into account cultural differences to justify the practicality of their translations, completely justify the necessity of this research. Discussion of Results and Conclusion: The implied procedures of semiotics as directed by Paris school members such as Greimas and post Gremasian theorists in semiotics, contemplates discourse as a field in which the importance of a text is situated on sequence and presupposed correlation of two linguistic steps called units of expression and content based attitude to theory of language, while semiology according to its fundamental definitions relies on signifier and signified series that regards minimal sections without taking into consideration order relationships or signification transformation process of discourse. Taking into consideration the semiotic definition of "translation" as an intercultural and inter-textual relationship, another important note to point here is to understand the basic distinction which underlies these approaches. Semiotics of discourse takes advantage of signs in order for them to be in the process of semiosis, change and expansion. In this paper the translation of "The Prophet's" title – Gibran Khalil Gibran’s work, translated by Elahi Qomshei- the cultures of the source language and the target language play a role, under the control of discursive terms, based on two converging and diverging semantic systems. Diverging mode is numerously used in translation of titles, but it has three different categories by itself. They are reduction, omission and addition.
Authors and Affiliations
Leila Tavakoli PhD Candidate/ Linguistics Department/ Faculty of Humanities/ Islamic Azad University of South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran ermia1388@gmail. com Hamid Reza Shairi * Professor, French language Department, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran shairi@modares. ac. ir Ali Rabi Assistant Professor, Linguistics Department, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University of South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran ali. rabi22@gmail. com Ali Karimi Firouzjaee Associate Professor, Linguistics Department, Faculty of Humanities, Tehran Payame Noor University, Iran alikarimif@yahoo. com
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