Analysis of Transmission Tower for Seismic Loading Considering Different Height and Bracing System
Journal Title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 9
The four legged self-supporting tower is being used all over the world for transmitting electricity supply and for other purposes. Including the self-weight, transmission tower has to withstand against all forces like earthquake, wind and snow load etc. Therefore, transmission towers are generally designed for both structural and electrical requirements. In this study, four legged square type transmission tower has been analyzed for all four seismic zones (as per IS:1893(part-3)) considering three heights (40m, 50m and 60m) using STAAD.Pro software. Results are collected in terms of maximum deflection, maximum support reaction, maximum support moment, axial stress and bending stress criteria based on which salient conclusions are drawn.
Authors and Affiliations
Sourabh Rajoriya, K. K. Pathak, Vivekanand Vyas
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