Analytic Autoethnography

Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ - Year 2014, Vol 10, Issue 3


Autoethnography has recently become a popular form of qualitative research.The current discourse on this genre of research refers almost exclusively to“evocative autoethnography” that draws upon postmodern sensibilities and advocates distance themselves from realist and analytic ethnographic traditions. The dominance of evocative autoethnography has obscured recognition of the compatibility of autoethnographic research with more traditional ethnographic practices. The author proposes the term analytic autoethnography to refer to research in which the researcher is (1) a full member in the research group or setting, (2) visible as such a member in published texts, and (3) committed to developing theoretical understandings of broader social phenomena. After briefly tracing the history of proto-autoethnographic research among realist ethnographers, the author proposes five key features of analytic autoethnography. He concludes with a consideration of the advantages and limitations of this genre of qualitative research.

Authors and Affiliations

Leon Anderson


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How To Cite

Leon Anderson (2014). Analytic Autoethnography. PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ, 10(3), 144-167.