Analytical problems of waste stability degree determination after biological treatment
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 11
In several European countries, the parameter AT-4 is used to determine the degree of waste stabilization after treatment. The method is used among others in Germany, Austria and Italy. In Poland, the research of an adaptation of this method to determine waste stabilization level after biological treatment in aerobic conditions. Methodology for determining the rate of AT-4 describe the German and Austrian standards. In accordance with national guidelines for composting processes, fermentation and mechanicalbiological waste treatment is recommended to use the experience of Austrian waste respiration parameter determination (AT-4). The paper presents analytical problems that may arise during the determination of the parameter AT-4, based on their own research and experiences in Austria.
Authors and Affiliations
Marta Bożym
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