Analytical reasoning of scientific and methodical approaches to development of agricultural resource potential

Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2017, Vol 27, Issue 4


The article summarizes and clarifies the understanding of the resource potential of the enterprise. The priorities of its development in modern conditions are defined. The main results of the analysis of the volume of agricultural products which are produced by the corporate and individual sectors are presented. The short-sightedness of the prospects of agribusiness in Ukraine is reasoned. On the basis of critical analysis, the understanding and structure of the resource potential of agrosphere enterprises is supplemented. The order of efficiency increase of the enterprises resource potential on the basis of organizational and managerial potential, which acts as the tool of business development strategy, is offered. The influence of integration interdisciplinary processes in the agroindustrial complex on increasing the value of resource potential and creating competitive advantages in the domestic and world markets is substantiated.

Authors and Affiliations

Pavlo Izhevskiy, Valentuna Stadnik


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How To Cite

Pavlo Izhevskiy, Valentuna Stadnik (2017). Analytical reasoning of scientific and methodical approaches to development of agricultural resource potential. Економічний аналіз, 27(4), 196-204.