Analyzing Determinants of Auditor Choice: Evidence from Borsa İstanbul

Journal Title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 20, Issue 79


The auditor choice is a vital decision in the competitive economies and the management of firms should analyze the benefits and costs of selection of independent auditors. This study examines the auditor choices in 2017 for a sample of 94 firms listed on Borsa İstanbul. Turkish Commercial Code requires all firms to have an audit of financial statements, regardless of public or private firms. Discriminant analysis is used to identify factors that may affect auditor choice. The results of discriminant analysis reveal that ownership concentration, foreign ownership, leverage, size, the percentage of outside board members and firm complexity have prominent impacts on the auditor choice. The constructed discriminant model enables us to analyze firm-specific factors underlying the auditor choice.

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  • EP ID EP328866
  • DOI 10.25095/mufad.438874
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How To Cite

Ahmet ÖZCAN (2018). Analyzing Determinants of Auditor Choice: Evidence from Borsa İstanbul. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 20(79), 165-182.