Investigation Of SMEs Preventative Measures Against Financial Failures Under Economic Crisis Environment: A Research Study In TR22 Region
Journal Title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi - Year 2016, Vol 18, Issue 71
SMEs take significant roles for Turkish Economy to maintain its stability. However, these businesses are unavoidably affected by the economic crises of both national and international level. Stabilizing their position under the market conditions where the crises occur and the strategies that they implement in order to avoid from the financial failures have critical importance. Core to the mentioned strategies remains the decisions taken at accounting and finance bases. In this scope, a survey has been designed towards investigating SMEs preventative measures against financial failures in crisis periods and the data have been evaluated statistically. Obtained results put forward that participant businesses followed several strategies namely; avoiding from excess long-term assets, regular follow-up of cash flows and realizing sales in cash during the times of crisis.
Authors and Affiliations
Mikail EROL, Metin ATMACA
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