Android based mosquito monitoring model for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Control
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 12
This study aims to develop an Android-based mosquito larvae monitoring information system to support dengue fever vector surveillance in the Tembalang District Health Center, Semarang City. Dengue fever is still a severe problem in Central Java Province. Increased rate of larvae can increase dengue cases. Dengue prevention efforts are carried out by fumigation (Fogging)and the mobilization of the larvae monitoring officer (Larva controller). The reporting system of larva monitoring starts from the worms of the serial 1 (JPJ1) observers, the serial 2 larva observers (JPJ2), and the house/building larva cards are currently related to each other so that if the previous report is not completed or submitted, it will also arise incompleteness and delay in reporting the next larva. To overcome the incompleteness of the data, the delay in access, maximizing and facilitating inputting data, it is necessary to develop a mosquito larva monitoring information system. Methods: This type of research uses action research. The location of this research was conducted in the Semarang Health Polytechnic, precisely at Campus III Pedurungan and Campus, I Tembalang Polytechnic Semarang. The research subjects were people involved with the mosquito larvae monitoring information system in the health center consisting of the head of the Semarang City Bangetayu Health Center and The Dengue Fever Eradication Sub-Unit and the Larva, controller officer. The process of analyzing data uses content analysis. Result: The results of this study succeeded in establishing an Android-based mosquito larvae monitoring system reporting model (89% relevance, 66% accuracy, 80% timeliness and 86% ease of access) and can be applied in the community well. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study was successfully built an Android-based mosquito larvae monitoring system reporting model that is system tested and can be applied in the community well. However, the model of monitoring reporting system for Android mosquito larvae, still measures the larvae density in the ABJ parameter has not provided facilities for the size of the Container Index (CI) and Breteu Index (BI) and is still limited to Tembalang district.
Authors and Affiliations
Teguh Budiharjo
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