Antanas Tyla, Lietuviai ir Lietuvos jaunimas Tartu universitete 1802–1918 metais
Journal Title: Zapiski Historyczne. Poświęcone Historii Pomorza i Krajów Bałtyckich - Year 2018, Vol 83, Issue 2
Book Review
Authors and Affiliations
Grzegorz Błaszczyk
Już bezprawie czy jeszcze prawo? O główszczyźnie i wróżdzie w Prusach Książęcych i Prusach Królewskich w czasach nowożytnych
The wergild as a financial punishment for husband killing survived in Prussia until the mid-18th century, but the general rule was that the perpetrators of husband killing were sentenced to death. The reason why the we...
Z dziejów martyrologii duchowieństwa diecezji chełmińskiej. Wspomnienia ks. Feliksa Windorpskiego z niemieckich obozów koncentracyjnych
The publication includes the edition of the memoirs of the priest Feliks Windorpski, who administered the parish church of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Osieczek (the Brodnica deanery) and was arrested at the beginning...
Żołnierskie perypetie polskiego księdza Władysława Łęgi w dobie pierwszej wojny światowej
The article presents the vicissitudes of a Polish priest, a citizen of Prussia and Germany, who was called up in 1915 as a private – a paramedic despite the fact that he was entitled to hold the rank of an officer; he la...
Polskie tłumaczenia korespondencji Stanisława Augusta z Katarzyną II i Nikitą Paninem z lat 1769–1772
Among the letters which Stanisław August exchanged with Catherine II and Nikita Panin in the times of the Bar Confederation there are several ones which were translated into Polish. The translations were probably connect...
Ustrój, administracja i podziały terytorialne pomorskich prowincji Prus w latach 1918–1939
As a result of WWI Prussia as an element of united Germany lost part of its Baltic provinces for the benefit of the restored Polish and Lithuanian states. Within the boundaries of the German federation there remained the...