Anterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2006, Vol 23, Issue 2


The anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome is an entrapment neuropathy which is formed by the sticking of the deep peroneal nerve in the anterior tarsal tunnel with its roof formed by inferior extansor retinakulum and its baseformed by the fascia of naviculer and talus bones. The anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome is an uncommon entrapment neuropathy. This might be due to an unrecognizing of this syndrome rather than rarity. We reported a case of anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome who is operated and followed in our clinic.

Authors and Affiliations

Muslum GUNES, Murat GUNAL, Omur GUNALDI, Bekir TUGCU, Metehan ESEOGLU, Utku ADILAY


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How To Cite

Muslum GUNES, Murat GUNAL, Omur GUNALDI, Bekir TUGCU, Metehan ESEOGLU, Utku ADILAY (2006). Anterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 23(2), 148-150.