Antibacterial and Wrinkle Resistance Improvement of Nettle Biofibre Using Chitosan and BTCA
Journal Title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe - Year 2017, Vol 25, Issue 3
In this study, the possible improvement of the antibacterial and wrinkle resistance performance of 100% nettle fabrics was investigated. To realise this aim, antibacterial and wrinkle resistance finishing processes were applied. 1,2,3,4-Butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) and sodium hypophosphite (SHP) were used to impart the wrinkle resistance property. Moreover chitosan was incorporated in the finishing bath for the antibacterial property. The effects of respective treatments on the physical properties were determined and compared along with their antibacterial activity. BTCA concentration in the solutions influenced the physical properties of the nettle fabrics and 6% BTCA usage was found to be the optimum concentration rate. The addition of BTCA to the chitosan caused an improvement in the wrinkle resistance and slightly softer handle, in comparison with pure chitosan treatment; however, the strength loss slightly increased, as expected. The FTIR-ATR spectra showed a new peak that confirmed the ester linkage formation and crosslinking reaction.
Authors and Affiliations
Buket Arık, Arzu Yavaş, Ozan Avinc
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