Antysemityzm czy antyjudaizm na łamach miesięcznika "Pro Christo" (1924-1939)
Journal Title: Historia i Polityka - Year 2009, Vol 0, Issue 1
Reflections over Jewish community in Poland were visible in Polish political thought of the the first half of the 20th century. "Pro Christo” monthly, was one of the most important anti-Semitic magazines in interwar Poland, connected with Nation-al-Radical Movement "Falanga” and its leader Bolesław Piasecki, most significant editor-in-chief was romancatholic priest Jerzy Pawski. "Pro Christo” was publishing articles criticizing Jews, editors were referring to "Protokoły Mędrców Syjonu”, repeating the stereotypical views on Jews, like their role in partitions of Poland, creating freemasonry and communism. The paper was trying to warn Polish nation against communist danger, connected with Jews, emphasizing that Jews should leave Poland. According to authors that emigration should be compulsory.
Authors and Affiliations
Arkadiusz Meller
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