Apaszem stasiek był w krąg znały go ulice...” Warszawska ballada podwórzowa jako transgresywny i alternatywny sposób doświadczania międzywojennej nowoczesności
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 47
Modernity that has been an effect of the geopolitical changes and urban development of the interwar period, made the human experience more sensational, sensory intensive and exposed to constant distraction. That was the best ground for crime novels. Poetics of the crime and the insistent need to solve the puzzle, have been juxtaposed with experience of the present. There was a special place for figure of detective – symbol of racional thinking. In the history of Polish interwar period, popular culture got examples of an alternative way of experiencing reality, like songs derived from broadside ballads. It is a form affirming the crime, as a prescription for meeting the social order. Breaking the law is a response to the incomprehensible but appealing sensacional elements of everyday life. Apasz a figure of modernity, cartographer of new Warsaw world. Warsaw urban ballads fills the gap of semiotics, located between the press and the criminal novel. That music genre is a proof of the existence of various forms and techniques of experience of Polish modernity, at the same time it provides an alternative for the popular figures of experience.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Konrad Sierzputowski
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