Apostle of Mission to the Muslim World: Samuel Marinus Zwemer and His Views on Islam
Journal Title: Dini Araştırmalar -Altı Aylık Bilimsel Dergi- - Year 2014, Vol 17, Issue 44
Samuel Marinus Zwemer took place among the significant orientalist missionaries by his activities to Muslims during the late 19th century and the first half of 20th century. He was called as “Apostle to Islam” because of the Arabian Mission he initiated. On the other hand, he endeavored to create a negative image about Islam and Muslims by his books and articles written in the Christian perspective. Especially, his considerations about the perception of Allah in Islam, Mohammed and the Quran do not accord with Islamic truths. Zwemer described Allah as an oriental despot god. He asserted that Mohammed was not a prophet and accused him of being immoral. He asserted that the Quran is an incomprehensible book full of mistakes. Zwemer, who incited Christian missionaries to engage in the missionary activities in the Muslim World, became the source of inspiration for them by both his struggle and writings
Authors and Affiliations
Muhammed Güngör
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