Historical Personality of Shakyamuni Buddha and the Process of his Teaching be Coming into a New Religion
Journal Title: Dini Araştırmalar -Altı Aylık Bilimsel Dergi- - Year 2013, Vol 16, Issue 42
Shakyamuni Buddha is a prince from the ruling class of Hindu cast system. He is a historical figure who on the basis of some experiences in his life, thought that the present understandings were insufficient and thus went in search of his own reality. Besides, he is a founder of a religion who after trying various ways argued that he came to the ultimate salvation, that is enlightened. The name of the religious and philosophical system founded by Shakyamuni Buda is Buddhism. Buddhism reacted to the polytheist structure of its time, to the extremely hedonistic or ascetic moral principles, formalities of salvation and caste system. In addition, it also included the distinctive features of the religions in the region where it attempted to survive and maintained the some teachings and practices as they were and followed always a flexible in cultural and social matters. In the long course of time, Buddhism spread out many different regions of the world and became one of the religions with largest members
Authors and Affiliations
Husamettin KARATAS
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