Application of a multibeam echosounder for the digital imaging of the bottom relief of seabeds and rivers

Journal Title: Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego - Year 2015, Vol 30, Issue 1


In this paper, the possibilities for detailed digital mapping the bottom relief of seabeds and rivers using a multibeam echosounder are described. The paper is based on the results of many years of experience, with utilitarian and research work carried out by the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk. Selected examples of the digital bottom models of the Baltic Sea and the Vistula River are presented. The obtained results give the full picture of a hitherto unknown bottom relief.

Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Nowak, Stanisław Rudowski, Radosław Wróblewski, Patryk Sitkiewicz, Aliaksandr Lisimenka, Łukasz Gajewski


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How To Cite

Jarosław Nowak, Stanisław Rudowski, Radosław Wróblewski, Patryk Sitkiewicz, Aliaksandr Lisimenka, Łukasz Gajewski (2015). Application of a multibeam echosounder for the digital imaging of the bottom relief of seabeds and rivers. Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego, 30(1), 104-107.