Application of a new method for evaluation of the readiness of producers / traders for conversion to organic production/ trade
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie - Year 2013, Vol 23, Issue 2
This paper studies the opportunities for application of a new method elaborated by the author (1) for evaluation of the readiness of producers and traders for conversion to organic production or trade. The method was created as a result of a study of organic sector development and it is based on the determination of the most important factors in this development. The method relies on a simple evaluation scheme and calculations. It turns to be useful as just a pilot investigation of the five most important factors stated as indicators: preparation (in terms of knowledge and skills of managers/ entrepreneurs), motivation, resources, planning activities skills (considered separately of others because of their particular importance in the ‘organic’ approach), environmental protection and organic production measures undertaken recently. The investigation presented in this paper puts the method developed on theory into practice. Furthermore, it proves the conformability of the proposed method and its possible usefulness. In addition, the steps in starting the conversion are proposed in which an approach very different from the one used till now (based on the choice of a new production technology) is adapted. The accent here is on the management, overall control over the processes and achieving sustainable growth.
Authors and Affiliations
Ekaterina Arabska
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