Application of botulinum toxin A in chronic intrinsic rhinitis
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 2
SUMMARY Persistent, intrinsic rhinitis is common disease of heterogeneous etiology, often not responsive or poorly responsive to standard medical therapy. To assess the action of botulinum toxin type A — strong and long-acting cho-linergic blocker — administered intranasally in the form of injection to the nasal turbinates or influenced Merocel to diminish the symptoms of patients reporting symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, runny nose. Materia! and methods: The study included 17 patients with chronic intrinsic rhinitis. Five patients received injections of Botox in a dose of 10 U the )ower and the middle nasal concha, ten patients are in the same way 20 U of Botox, two patients were applied to 40 U of Botox in the influenced Merocel. Results: Ali patients had an improvement, which concerned all the previously reported symptoms associated with rhinitis, the fuli effect of the toxin appeared in these patients within 1-2 weeks after application and lasted, depending on the dose of 8-12 weeks. After this time, the effect of explicitly and has declined sharply, which is sometimes associated with the activity of natura) toxins. Conclusions: Botulinum toxin type A used intranasally in intrinsic rhinitis is a new, effective method that allows good control of symptoms of the patient. The only limitation of its use is the high price of botulinum.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Nowak, Witold Szyfter
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