CUP-Syndrome diagnostic procedure scheme

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 4


Patients with CUP-Syndrome represent a small percentage of patients treated by ENT doctor. Often, in spite of the implementation detailed diagnostics, detection of the primary tumor fails. Very im portant element is to follow the correct sequence of tests and taking into account conditions outside ENT. I our article, we would like to propose a diagnostic scheme including interview with patient, laryngological and im aging tests and multi-discip linary consulting. We hope that this scheme will facilitate the treatment of patients with CUP-Syndro me and incre ase the efficiency of detection of primary tumor.

Authors and Affiliations

Zuzanna Pujanek, Paweł Burduk


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How To Cite

Zuzanna Pujanek, Paweł Burduk (2013). CUP-Syndrome diagnostic procedure scheme. Otolaryngologia Polska, 67(4), 183-186.