Komórki dendrytyczne w tkance przerosłych migdałków gardłowych u dzieci chorych na wysiękowe zapalenie ucha środkowego
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 4
Introduction: The adenoids are organized as lymphoepithelial structures that play an important role in protecting both the upper respiratory and alimentary tract regions. This functions requires dendritic cells (DC) which are one of the major populations of immune cells. Due to the presence of specific receptors (DC) are able to respond to both inrta- and extracellular antigens. Dendritic cells activating immunological response in tonsil contribute formation immunologic competent cells on necessity of rolling inflammatory process in middle ear. Aim of study: An investigation was executed in hypertrophied adenoids with or without otitis media with effusion. Methods: By flow cytometry percentage of CD11c+ myeloid DC and 123+ plasmacytoid DC in hypertrophied adenoid and hypertrophied adenoid and otitis media with effusion was analyzed. Results: The percentage of CD11c+ myeloid DC and 123+ plasmacytoid DC was similar in hypertrophied adenoid and otitis media with effusion compored to the control group. Conclusions: Our data show that part of dendritic cells has not on course of inflammatory process influence rolling in middle ear.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Żelazowska-Rutkowska, Karol Ratomski, Jolanta Wysocka, Edwina Kasprzycka, Elżbieta Hassmann-Poznańska, Małgorzata Mrugacz
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