Application of dynamic information theory for research of structural formation in construction composites
Journal Title: Вісник Одеської державної академії будівництва та архітектури - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 66
Models of building composite materials structure formation processes are considered in the article. It is shown that the composite satisfies the requirements for information systems at the initial stages of the life cycle - systems in which the transfer of micro information in the Brillouin sense to fixed macro information in the Kastler sense takes place. When moving from statistical to dynamic layer, the system selects the direction and nature of the emerging structure. The geometric and fractal characteristics of the composite structural ensembles are considered. It is shown that, for the ensembles considered as disordered systems, the fractal dimension can play the role of an order parameter. It is shown that, based on the concepts of the morphogenesis of composite materials and the theory of phase transitions, it is possible to take into account the effects of intra-ensemble and inter-ensemble interactions, the latter manifesting themselves in a critical period given by the physical-chemical solidification process. A model of spatial interaction in a network of structural ensembles is proposed due to the boundary matching of the fractal dimension. The possibility of constructing a theory of phase transitions in disordered systems and, in particular, building composites based on fractal dimension as an order parameter, is shown. The effective Hamiltonian and Ginsburg-Landau equation is written out for the objects under consideration.
Authors and Affiliations
I. V. , Dovgan, A. V. , Kolesnikov, S. V. , Semenova, M. P. , Dmitrenko
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