Journal Title: Економічна теорія та право - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 27
Problem setting of my article is connected with economical activity in the field of air transport. The purpose of this article is to increase the life of the mechanisms of publicprivate cooperation in the field of air transport and aviation infrastructure. Recent research and publications analysis. The question of the air transportations development, public-private cooperation in the field of air transport and aviation infrastructure involved the attention of a lot scientist. Most contributions were made time to time. Among them are Tofanyuk A. V., Chaly, I. G., V. D. Bordunova, Bugalo D. A., Gryaznov, V. S., Dmowska I. A., Popovich, A. V., Polyanskaya N. A. Sarajevo I. M., Avksentev M. Y., Sich E. M., Vdovenko U. S., Bondar N. M, Tikhonov V. M. But this area of research approach is unknown enough. But at the same time the most problems haven’t been studied properly so far. This is due to high complexity of this subject. Paper objective. Relevance of the research related to the need to use public-private partnerships in the aviation industry, including airports of Ukraine. The article is a comprehensive review of the practical enforcement of mechanisms for public-private cooperation in the field of air transportation and aviation infrastructure and impact on the development of air transportation in Ukraine and further their respective fields of domestic air services and processes of liberalization of airspace. Paper main body. A study of management practices both developed and developing, shows the growth activity of the various forms of partnership between the state and private businesses in various industries. It should be noted that today among scientists there is no single view of the nature of a public-private partnership. Thus, some experts consider public-private partnerships as a form of indirect privatization, primarily because the experience of countries with developed market relations often indicate a redistribution of powers between the state and private business with the transfer of the latest wide powers of ownership, operation, construction and financing of public importance. Other scholars see in public-private partnership special, complete replacement form of privatization of public facilities, which allows, on the one hand – the potential of entrepreneurial initiative of private capital, and on the other – to keep control functions of the state in socially important sectors. The state remains the owner of the facility, involving solve many problems of private capital. Analysis of private sector participation in the transport sector, conducted by the World Bank database, made it possible to distinguish four types of interaction between the state and private capital in projects of public-private partnership: contract award (for site management and for the rental of the facility) – concession (maintenance, operation and transfer facility (ROT); maintenance, lease and transfer facility (RLT); construction, maintenance, operation and transfer facility (BROT); new projects or projects «from scratch «(build, lease and transfer facility (BLT); construction, operation and transfer facility (BOT); construction, ownership and operation of the facility (BOO); private construction and operation of the facility; rental facility) – asset sales (complete and partial privatization). In particular, the Kharkiv airport has a very advantageous geographical location, which allows him in turn to take its position as a leading international hub. The investment methods of public-private cooperation stimulates that the state is the customer services. It is the state that determines the conditions of such cooperation, creates the possibility of making management decisions for the private sector. The state conducts regular monitoring, while the investment remains in state ownership. Jointly developed the project is being implemented in a competitive environment that creates an incentive to attract new capital for development and modernization of this infrastructure. Conclusions of the research. Summing up, it is necessary to lead the public-private cooperation it the field of the aviation industry, including airports of Ukraine. The development of aviation technology, improving the categorization of the airport and increase passenger and cargo flows direct investment main resources in such directions of development of airports: the functionality of flight strips; the increase in throughput due to the creation of new terminals maintenance; upgrading of airport infrastructure; improvement of management of airports, etc., For the development of airport economy requires large-scale investments with long-term timing of their return. Short Abstract for an article Abstract. The article is devoted to the key role of public-private partnership in the aviation industry, particularly in airports of Ukraine. The purpose of this article is a comprehensive review of the practical implementation of methods of public-private cooperation in the field of air transport and aviation infrastructure and its influence on the development of air transportation in Ukraine and their subsequent certain directions of development of domestic aviation and liberalization of airspace. Ukraine, being at a geographically favorable site, in terms of transit, owns a significant air space. Further development of the liberalization process, the implementation of public-private partnership in the aviation industry will impact not only on the development authority of the domestic airlines, but also on the development and prosperity of Ukraine as a whole. The author considers the necessity of introduction of public-private partnerships.
Authors and Affiliations
Валентина Сергіївна Вельцен
Стаття присвячена правовому дослідженню особливостей процесу корпоратизації активів природних монополій, а також стратегічно важливих підприємств для економіки України. Проведення аналізу, узагальнення та систематизації...
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У статті на основі розгляду структури нематеріальних активів показано, що інтегруючим показником є репутація компанії. Її фундаментом є знання, консолідовані компанією. Доводиться, що розвиток нематеріальних активів обум...
В статье проведен анализ общего и специального законодательства Украины в сфере возобновляемой энергетики. Систематизация законодательства позволяет выявить пробелы и недостатки регулирования с целью его совершенствовани...